Born in Bern (Switzerland) in 1970, Ania Losinger is pursuing her lifelong vision, that of finding a creative form of expression that unites dance and music, in equal measure, in a single person. In 1998/99, together with instrument maker Hamper von Niederhäusern, she developed something that is still unique worldwide: the Xala. The Xala is a resonant musical instrument made of wood and metal which is played by dancing upon it with flamenco shoes and six-foot high poles. Today, several Xalas of varying size and timbre exist. This invention has now made possible the desired total union of music and dance.

After acquiring basic athletic training as a member of the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Squad, Ania Losinger practiced various dance forms until she became acquainted with flamenco dance. Many years of flamenco training in Switzerland followed, as well as several trips to learn flamenco in Spain.
She studied rhythmics at the Conservatory in Zurich, worked as a rhythmics and piano teacher, accompanied modern dance classes on the piano and gave flamenco lessons. From 1997 to 1999 she was engaged as a dancer by the dance company “Flamencos en route”.

Since 1999 Ania Losinger has performed as a soloist on her instrument, with various other artists under the guidance of composer, Don Li and with the Bernese Symphony Orchestra. Starting in 2005 she began performing together with musician and composer, Mats Eser. The guest performances of her various stage productions, film music, sound installations, workshops, as well as various television programs and radio reports range from New York to Shanghai.

Her work has been published in diverse audio formats as well as in DVD productions most of which are available through Tonus-Music-Records or directly from her online store.

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